Big Progress in Green House

Today I was able to assemble all 4 of the aquaponic grow tubs. They are all now hooked up to the pump system, and have auto siphon valves that work, and have grow pots in them. I’ve been running my initial Arduino program to control things and so far so good; things are working as planned!

The above image shows the grow tubs and the Arduino set up that will control a bunch of things in the green house.

There are two Arduinos installed right now. One is monitoring various sensors (humidity, temperature, light, etc) in the green house and then logging the info to a database I have in the cabin (wireless connection to my network). The other is controlling the pump and watering valves.

Continue reading “Big Progress in Green House”

Hello Highlanders!

I now have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ up and running with WordPress, Apache2, MySQL,
Python, and PHP installed and apparently working just fine. And this site is proof as it’s running on that itty bitty $40 Raspberry Pi…

This little computer is only 3.4 inches by 2.2 inches; pretty amazing when you think of all the things it can do! And it runs off of a 5 volt power source, same as your cell phone charger…just plug in a micro usb cable and away you go (if you know Linux and can code a little).

Continue reading “Hello Highlanders!”